Friday, January 17, 2014

Pokemon Zen Blaze Red is out!

Find it at GameDownloads or Here

Pokemon Zen Blaze Red Release Date!!!!!

Pokemon Zen Blaze Red will be released................................................. in 2055!!Just kidding it will be released Today!!!!Wait for a post here to find out or look in the pages:)

So Pokemon Zen BlazeRed was delayed heres why.

Ok so when I was doing some final testing I ran into some bugs.Then I completely forgot with my other work.So I had to think of a way to make it up so I gave you the chance to battle a lvl 70 Mewtwo in Pallet Town!So while I did that it glitched making it INFINITE!. Theres only one catch.You must use fly after you beat/run/catch mewtwo or you will make an epic fail since you can't move your avatar only the Pokemon sprite or a ghost and you cant go inside anywhere.Here are some pictures(NOTE:The Mew and Articuno sprites are actually Mewtwo just added it for fun)